We are more than just a statistic
Often times it is difficult to look beyond the statistics in life. This can be especially true for anyone living with addiction or mental illness. Guest blogger Victoria Jones is here, however, to share her story and why it is important to realize that you are more than just a statistic.
When living with an Addiction or a Mental Illness life can be difficult. Living a life where you constantly go to the doctors an are constantly given a label is hard. Sometimes I just want it to go away. I have bipolar disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome and have lived with these labels all my life. I have began to notice numbers all around me.
Here are some important statistics about Bipolar disorder:
•Affects about 12.3 million people in the United States and as many as 60 million people worldwide
•Half of all patients begin seeing symptoms between the ages of 15 and 25, but it can begin at any age
•There is no cure, but for many people the symptoms can be controlled with treatment
•Bipolar disorder is sometimes referred to as manic depression
•Some people may experience mood swings that are less extreme than a full manic episode, known as hypomania
When I look at things like that I begin to feel less like a person and more like a number. It makes me feel sad seeing myself as a number so I had to find a way to stop thinking that way. We are not a statistic we are people living out lives the best we can. We might have things that slow us down but I wont let a number or a lable slow me down at all. I will persevere and move on. We can’t let the things like numbers and labels take over our lives. We need to live our lives to the fullest. Don’t just live your life but love your life and have fun as well.
For more stories on addiction recovery and mental health, visit Rise2Recovery.com to listen to leaders share their stories on the podcast.